We love open source, and we love to give back.
When we’re not constantly churning out work, we like to pick up and try out new development technologies, further hone our skills, and also give back to the great open source community by hosting monthly meetings (we have pizza too!). The meetings give many of us here a chance to further research interesting topics, as well as present to and discuss with other software development enthusiasts.
BOSS is a non-profit organization of individuals interested in learning and developing Open source software in the Birmingham, AL area. We are made up of Ruby, Python, Javascript, Arduino and other OSS programmers. BOSS welcomes anyone who feels they would fit in, or would like to, as our primary goal is to strengthen the Open Source development community in the Birmingham Area. Meetings are held the last Monday of every month, barring holiday conflicts. IRC: #bhamboss on FreeNode
Next Meetup – March 28, 2016 at 6:00pm